Tammie Mobley- CEO/Founder
For the past 18 years, I’ve dedicated my life and work to youth development after surviving a domestic violence situation and the incarceration of my eldest son. My work includes facilitating workshops on recognizing the red flags in unhealthy relationships, working as a contractor interviewing adjudicated youth and adults on treatment in prisons, consulting community partners on best practices for working with youth, and working with community advocates for solutions on the increase in youth gun violence.
As a former Youth Program Director, I’ve increased enrollment from six students per academic year to 500 in programming throughout Richmond, Virginia.
As Founder of R.E.A.L Girlz (Responsible, Empowered, and Loved), I have led successful programs working with inner-city students in several middle and high schools across three school districts in Virginia. ensuring that each program was equipped with skilled and sufficient facilitators who amplified the voices of youth.
My experience designing and developing curriculum and training materials focused on community organizing, youth leadership development, and advocacy skills goes beyond creating for R.E.A.L Girlz. I’ve created a curriculum for Partners for Youth with Disabilities and Code VA. Both opportunities were created for youth summer programming and learning.
Additional experience with my community involvement includes United State of Women Ambassador for Virginia, Virginia Domestic and Sexual Alliance Leadership Council Member, and Trauma Healing Response Community Member.
I'm a certified Social Emotional Learning Facilitator and public speaker. Through my numerous speaking engagements including speaking at Mayor Dwight C. Jones Annual Day of Recognition of AmeriCorps Members, AmeriCorps State and National Symposium, and the National Governor’s Association Winter Meeting with Former First Lady of Virginia Dorothy McAuliffe I was able to share the importance of volunteerism and community engagement.
Previous board appointments include Youth Advisory Board Member for Bermuda District in Chesterfield County.
Currently, I provide training and consultation work through MENTOR Virginia and lead a co-hort of advocates on Economic Justice for Black Indigenous People of Color through Virginia Sexual and Domestic Action Alliance.
Tammie Mobley | United State of Women Ambassador